• Getting Started with Testing in Python

    Testing code is always wanted as a good habit. when you are working on a project, It’s really a good idea to check that every single unit/program is working perfectly. There is a lot of modules to test code in python. In this article, I’m going to share some basic... [Read More]
  • Web Scraping in python using Beautiful Soup

    We visit a lot of websites every day. Sometimes we need to collect some pieces of information. How can we do this? The only solution is to copy-paste or saving the page as a PDF? Let’s take an example; Rocomari is a Bangladeshi online marketplace for ordering books. They sell... [Read More]
  • Basic Understanding on Python Virtual Environment

    In Python programming, we need an interpreter to compile our python program. We know that python has several versions, commonly python2.x and ptyhon3.x. To build a python application, we often use third party packages and modules. Each package and module may have several versions in which one version may support... [Read More]
  • Version Control Systems (VCS): Git and Github

    An application is maintained over and overtime to fix its bugs, adding new features, changing its user interface, etc. If we look at apple or google play store, we see Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc, these applications are updated once or twice every month where each update has a version name... [Read More]
  • A Beginner Guide to Slack

    In this article, I’m going to introduce a great workspace messaging platform called “slack” which is used for team collaboration. Slack is a very popular platform in the software industry worth more than 20$ billion value. What we will know from this article? What is slack? Features of slack Is... [Read More]
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